Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Giving the Blessing to Others

I have several more chapters to go through and I will not have as much time because I will soon be working, so as the girls are at school and husband at work, and doggies at my feet, and HGTV turned off, I will begin my next chapter.

Who do we bless? Our children. I have some of the elements of giving the blessing.

#1 Words: I will leave notes in my girls lunch box, backpacks, on their bathroom mirror, inside my daughters dictionary for school. I have a diary that I write in to my girls. Speaking of writing. The girls were fighting Saturday. It is getting worse as they get older. They both came running up to me yelling about what the other one did. I had had it. I said "what has happened to you two, you used to get along so well, I am so sad to see this happening." Brittani started to cry. She said "I don't know, we used to be so close." So I asked the two of them to write a letter to each other telling each other what they like about the other. They did. They made up. The letters brought tears to my eyes. No, I'm not sharing!!!

#2 Meaningful touch: yes I give them hugs and kisses at night and in the morning when they are off. But this is routine. Should there be more? Yes, I need to work on this one.

#3 Expressing High Value. I have this one taken care of, I love giving praise. The girls are very active on a swim team and are doing great. We attend all meets together, and they know how proud we are of them win or lose. They both make straight A's and are rewarded. I thank them both when their chores are done. I have no problem with praising.

#4 Picturing a special future: I am not sure I always do a good job here. Yes, I tell Brittani and Brianna that with their swimming this is an attribute that God can bless and use in the future. But, I am afraid I might have failed, maybe big. 13 months ago, Brittani came to me and said she wanted to be baptized. She was 10, almost 11. She had been going to a church summer camp everyday while we were at work. I said "I don't think you are ready!!!!!" Who am I to say if she was ready? I was baptized at a young age, for the wrong reasons. I was not ready. But I should not have dismissed her desire. God, is this why you have me here at this place in this study. I need to sit down and talk to my daughter TONIGHT. I need to spend time with her and Gods word. I need to picture a special future for my 12 year old.

#5 An active commitment: This element is a "kicker." It requires sticking with the program even when your child misbehaves or the person you're blessing disappoints you. Brianna is a very good swimmer. She is very fast and can go far with this talent. Yesterday, she said she wanted to stop swimming and go into cheerleading. (my mind is saying, What?, no, no, no, you don't understand, you can go to college...all paid for.) I said "honey, I love you, if this is really what you want....then you tell your coach." Practice is at 4:30, I'll let you know what happens.


Anonymous said...

Ok, Bot. I'm going to have to quit reading your blog and start my study of "The Blessing". Thanks for getting me interested.

Stacy said...

Oh, how it thrills my soul to hear that people still call you BOT!!!! Tara hasn't seen or talked to us in, what? 10 years? 15? Close to 20?? And here she is still calling you Bot.

Eek. Brianna. Want me to be that bad guy? I'll call that girl and say, "GIRL! ANY girl with an ounce of lungs can be a cheerleader. YOU have a gift. Don't abandon it for a chance at popularity. As Dora would say, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming...."

Bobbie said...

I LOVE smiling. Thanks gals!!!