Thursday, October 05, 2006

To be or not to be.......

My profile "about me" explains that I want to be true to those around me. I am on that path now. I have not been entirely true to myself. I knew the truth, but was afraid to tell the truth. That I have not been happy for some time in my marriage. It is a very long story that takes us 15 years back, so I will not bore you.

I divorced myself from my heart many years ago, and made sure that it was covered completely with strong concrete so that nothing could get to it. My heart would be safe. I would be safe. It could still function. It could still beat, the concrete was stable enough for people to walk on, it could support up to so much weight on a daily basis. It would allow my girls to write on the concrete, play hopscotch. My heart inside loved to hear their voices, to know that they were close, but not touching. The concrete was strong enough for my husband to drive over it, peel out leaving marks of black tar, to do donuts for the heck of it, to get out and drop trash on.

My heart had been longing for something under this dark, but safe shield. Over time cracks began to appear, and some light would come through. My heart could feel the small bit of warm sunlight filtering through. It began to soften, and when the girls would come out to play, it longed to play too.

My heart has broken through the concrete and is ready to face the wind, the rain, the hail. My heart wants to reach out to others, to put a smile on a face that has had a frown for too long.

To be or not to be, that has been my question. I am ready to be.
to be:
a friend
a follower of God daily
to just be.......ME!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A new journey.....

I will begin a new and scary journey in my life starting yesterday. I informed my husband that it was time to cal it quits. We have tried for 14 years to make our marriage work, and it is not going to happen. This is so hard. I have family I am going home to and staying with until I can get a place for me and the girls. I think I have a place I can work. I leave Sunday. I do not know the first thing about Divorce. My parents are still together. Do I find a lawyer. God this sucks.

Monday, August 21, 2006


I have been told to write about my "remarkable" life. My life. Is it remarkable? Well, to have my family in good health is great. My dog letting a god awful fart is not so remarkable, but he is in my life and I love him. He loves me. Oh, he is really smelling up this room right now. Okay, my life..........

I rise out of bed at 7:15 and am out the door by 7:45 taking my youngest all the freakin way across town to ghetto school, then all the way back to work and am always late. I have been written up so I am on thin line right now. But, I hate, where I work, so what do i care? I care cuz we just put a pool in our backyard and I need a job. So, I pray that I can just get by again and promise myself to get my lazy but out of bed on time tomorrow.

Work is very demanding, all take and no fun. I have friends that keep me there, keep me sane, laugh at me cuz I am the rebel wearing tennishoes of Fridays when we have a rule not to. I put a copy of the companies "personal phone call policies" on someones desk today cuz she is on the phone all freakin day freakin lookin for another job. And we hear from the Manager, well, she has to take care of, oh bs lady, she is looking for another job right under your nose, or talking to her sistas.

Hubby is is make-out time....NNNOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.
Tune in tomorrow to see how the talker reacted to the copy of the rules.......

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


That is what I have been all day. I have been preparing for my seester and her kids arrival to our home. I cannot wait. So much to do and time just will not stand still for me to do all I need to do.

It has been awhile since I have landed here. PROJECTS is now a four letter word in this house. I am tired of them. T.I.R.E.D!!! Master bedroom is painted. Master bath is painted. All of upstairs is recarpeted. And yes............POOL IS IN THE GROUND AND COMPLETE!!!!

Pictures soon.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Integrity always matters.
Integrity is simply doing what you promised you would do. It is telling the truth and doing the truth. It is doing the right thing even if no one would know that you did the wrong thing. Integrity is accepting the blame when you have made a mistake. Integrity always matters because it matters to God. Integrity keeps you the kind of person you want to live with. And that's important because you have to live with yourself your entire life.

More money will not fix everything. Until you know how to handle a small amount of money well, lots of money will only create bigger problems. Remember to never keep it all (give some away) and never spend it all (save some for the future). Then you will never be broke.
Save early, save often. There exists in the universe a simple principle with a big payoff. It is called compounding interest. When you place money in a savings account, you earn interest. Then that interest earns interest, or compounds, which makes your money grow much more rapidly. Start saving money now so it has many years to compound. That is the no-brainer way to build wealth.

A sense of humor is a valuable asset. Laugh at yourself and you'll never run out of material. Laugh with others. Some people can't see the humor in their situations, so just make sure they are laughing first or you could hurt their feelings. Laugh often. Laughter is good for your health because it releases tension and stress. It can make your life much more enjoyable.

There's a difference between authority and responsibility. Authority usually refers to your power over people. People who crave authority usually lose it. Responsibility usually refers to your pledge to people. Those willing to assume responsibility usually get it. Most people crave authority and avoid responsibility. You've got a great sense of responsibility. I applaud it. I admire it. Don't ever lose it.

A little encouragement goes a long way. Maybe it's only a few words or a small act of kindness, but that small effort can really encourage another person. It might not seem like much to you, but it can be meaningful to that other person. Whenever you encourage others, you are showing that you have care and concern for them. Encouragement is something that's hard to give away because it always comes back to bless you.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Santos and I built this TODAY for our kittnes, Bailey and Sarah. We had looked at play lands for cats at different stores and they are just stupid expensive. This cost us nothing to build. It was all stuff we had around here, or that I was able to get from Lowes (for free), the tubing we used to wrap the carpet around is what Lowe's carpet rolls come on. So I asked the guy if they had a tube that had no more carpet and sure enough they did. It is a really thick cardboard so, there you havit it. The kitties LOVE.LOVE.LOVE.IT!!!!!

Here I am highlighting Brittani's hair.....

These next pictures are of the game/coffee/fun room. This room did have carpet in it, we pulled it a laid the flooring ourselves, painted, and put up boarder. We are in the process of looking for the perfect pool talbe and bar tables and charis.

There once was a wall where these French doors are now hanging. We knocked the wall out and put these in. I am now in the process of putting the second coat of paint on the doors.

These are before, during and after of Brits room.....

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Spiritual Amnesia

Light The FireBill Maxwell
Verse 1:

I stand to praise You,
But I fall to my knees.
My spirit is hungry,
But my flesh is so weak___.


Light the fire (echo)
In my soul,
(in my weary soul)
Fan the flame, (echo)
Make me whole.
(make my spirit whole)
Lord, You know (echo)
Where I've been,
(where I've been)
So light the fire in my heart again.

Verse 2:
I feel Your arms around me,
As the power of Your healing begins.
You breathe new life right through me,
Like a mighty rushing wind___.

So light the fire in my heart again,
light the fire in my heart again,
light the fire in my heart again.

This song is how I feel tonight. The devil wants to disconnect us from our hearts and from the heart of God. It is what he had to do to bear the loss of heaven. I have just felt empty for a very long, long time, like spiritual amnesia.

I have felt unworthy of Gods love, but this is only because of the whispers of Satan. Gods love for me began w/the laughter of the Trinity. And what God wants from me is my laughter, my tears, my dreams, my fears. I have never been wanted for my heart, my truest self, not really not for long. The thought that God wants my heart seems to good to be true.

I know now more than I have before how much God truly loves me. And I want to connect w/the heart that God desired me to have from the day he breathed life into me. Pure, unselfish, forgiving, loving, patient. I feel the fire now, but how easy it is for the flame to be blown out in my daily life of chores and errands, a busyness that separates me from God and others, even from my own desire to find a match to light it again.

Dear God, please help me to not listen to Satans whispers. Make me take the time to find that match as I go about my chores, errands............

Monday, April 24, 2006

I once was lost

but now I'm found. We went to church yesterday for the first time in about eight months. When we moved here almost a year ago, we were excited and searching for a church home. We had looked up the different churches in the area and started our quest for a home congregation right away. After several months of visiting we became very much disappointed in not being able to find just what it was we were looking for....comfort, welcome, love, family, until yesterday.

We have found the congregation we would like to be apart of. One with open arms. One that is not afraid to let emotions flow from the pulpit. One that gathers around a brother who is so weary and tired from the life trials and tribulations he has been dealt with. One where, you can just "feel" the Lord at work.

Thank you God, for answering my prayer.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

O Good Golly Miss Molly

I am up to my eyeballs w/projects and raising six; two of them have two legs the rest have four and they all six have become a huge load on my shoulders. My list of crap:

1. finish painting the girls rooms
2. put up cool boarders for the rooms
3. find and order carpet for upstairs
4. find and order hard wood for dining area
5. find and purchase two black bar tables and chairs for coffee room
6. find and purchase wood blinds for whole house
7. plant the rest of my mums in landscaping
8. find paint color for master bedroom and bath
9. paint master bedroom and bath
10. pet dog
11. take girls shopping
12. pet other dog
13. tell bri I do not know where her kittens are
14. laundry
15. dinner
16. got a promotion, so I am stressed now having 50% more work load
17. yell for Bri to do dishes
18. get cat food when taking girls shopping
19. take pictures of finished projects
20. scrap
21. love on honey
22. pee
23. answer door
24. clean out all clothes that do not fit me due to gaining so much weight
25. shop at Targe for new clothes that do fit
26. make sure Brit and Bri were accepted into the Magnet schools
27. figure out what the smell in my van is
28. pick up comforter from cleaners
29. play w/kitties
30. answer emails
31. write my brothers back
32. get secret pal a gift
33. tan
34. Brit to the Orthodontist
35. Parent Swim team meeting
36. Brianna play at school

dear God, please.........

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Sunday 4/2/06 was one of the most devastating nights for those of us in the Tn. area. It started out such a gorgeous sunny day. A day for planting 30 mums in the landscaping, for trimming trees, swinging on the back deck, taking a run w/the dog, it was just beautiful and warm. As the sun started to go down we could all see the dark, ominous clouds building over our homes. You could feel the weight, the eary creepy crawly feeling of the build of energy overhead. We knew, something was coming. We continued on, all neighbors going indoors for the night. Children from across the street saying goodbyes to the girls. Dogs inside. Garage shut for the night.

Sit to have dinner, turn on the tube.....and beep, beep, beep, this is a weather update, storms are building up from the west in Ak. and heading our way at speeds of 45 miles and hour with wind gust up to 100 and baseball size hale. Oh, wait, I have a new update, ok, listen up folks, a tornado is on the ground in Corothersville Ar. and heading toward Dyer county. People in Dyer county take precaution. If you can hear my voice at this time, please take cover immediately...........

Wow, that is pretty close to home. Beep, beep, beep....and so on and so on for about six hours. Tornados were 13 miles North of us, and 10 miles South of us. Sirens were going off for three hours. If you live on this street, Oh no, that is where Betty lives, if you live on this street it is heading your way, Oh my that is where Steph lives. In was an insane, scary, tragic night. In all 24 people were killed. A family of four were 100 yards thrown from their home. A Grandma and Grandpa were watching their young baby grandchild all three killed and so on and so on. Awful, and way to close. It was one of the longest nights of our lives.

More are heading our way Friday. Please keep all of West Tn. in your prayers.

If you would like to see coverage

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Where do I begin? The past month and a half has been full of many things.

February 14th my husband surprised me with a gorgeous diamond ring.

March 10th had a fabulous birthday weekend in Memphis. Received a huge gift bag from my secret pal at work, it had everything I love and collect, from candles, mugs, lotions, bubble bath, bath slats, berts bees lip stick, wind chime, giraffes, bamboo plant, pens for scrapbooking, Martina McBride CD, journal, friendship book, jolly ranchers, Extra apple gum, picture frames. It was overwhelming. I love this secret pal thing, I love giving to my secret pal. It is is b-day this Friday and I cannot wait. I received a gift box from my sister that had the coolest signs for my coffee room. By the way I WILL have pictures soon I promise, oh yeah, I got the camera I have been wanting for my b-day, so no more excuses on the picture taking.
This same weekend in Memphis was a huge swim meet for the girls.

March 17th had my tonsils removed and had my uvula trimmed. For a week it was living hell on earth. I would rather go through childbirth than that again. I could not swallow ANYTHING! It took all I could to take the pain pill w/a sip of water and be knocked out. But that is all I wanted was to be OUT!! The next week it was soup and hot chocolate and ice. So, want to lose weight, have a tonsilectomy. Good news......I DO NOT SNORE ANYMORE!!! I wake up now feeling like I have actually slept. It is awesome.

The second week of recovery I worked on a scrapbook for my soon to be 13 yr. old. It is turning out great. (Um, Stacy, where can I buy a white pen that writes on black paper?)

March 28th Briannas b-day. She has wanted a kitten for about 6 months so we finally went to the humane society and they had two long haired kittens that are sisters, so of course we could not separate them and ended up getting both....Bailey and Sara. The CUTEST kittens. I DO have pictures and if I can figure out how to load the pictures, I will.

mng n (from Bailey running on keyboard)

The one on the left is Bailey (Briannas) and the one on the right is Sara (Brittani's)

March 29th Brittani got braces. She is doing great. She only has the top ones for now so that her over bite is corrected.

Had a great past month.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Sampson our Boxer
Brit and Bri pose w/Mr. Snowman....

Santos checking mail and later rolling snowball for the snowman body........

Front of our house........

Mr. Snowman that we built...... snowed. We had heard all week that snow was on the way....heard that before....believe it when we see it.........see it we did. It is so beautiful. We had a blast having snowball fights, making snowangels and sledding.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

***Your Five Factor Personality Profile***
You have low extroversion. You are quiet and reserved in most social situations.A low key, laid back lifestyle is important to you.You tend to bond slowly, over time, with one or two people.
You have medium conscientiousness.You're generally good at balancing work and play.When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done.But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it.
You have medium agreeableness.You're generally a friendly and trusting person.But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism.You get along well with others, as long as they play fair.
You have medium neuroticism.You're generally cool and collected, but sometimes you do panic.Little worries or problems can consume you, draining your energy.Your life is pretty smooth, but there's a few emotional bumps you'd like to get rid of.
Openness to experience:
Your openness to new experiences is low.You're a pretty conservative person, and you favor what's socially acceptable.You think that change for novelty's sake is a very bad idea.While some may see this as boring, many see you as dependable and wise.
The Five Factor Personality Test

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Changes are happening in my life, for the better. I am taking care of the things that I need to get sorted in my life. I am doing alot of reading and soul searching right now, so I do not have much time for blogging. I just ask that you keep my family and I in your prayers.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I have been reading off and on when I can, usually at the end of the day when all the dishes are done, laundry put away, doggies fed and walked, girls in bed and hubbie snoring next to me. I am enjoying the Sacred Romance, I like the way John writes more than the way Brent writes.

Brittani has a huge three day swim meet this weekend in AL. This means a lot of "camping" while we wait for each of her events, so I look forward to finishing the book this weekend.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


"We divorce ourselves from our heart and begin to live a double life."
from: The Sacred Romance written by: John Eldride
A friend of mine recommended that I read this book. Last night I bought it. I look forward to sharing my journey as I go in search of my heart.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Fighting Gloves Are On

I could not hide it this time. My husband could see. He asked over and over Saturday what was wrong, and over and over I said, "nothing, I'm fine". Finally, I caved. Tears flowing, I unfolded painful and uncomfortable truths of my childhood. I told him I just want to run away, away from you, from the girls and the past. He said to me, with love and sincerity, "you do what you need to do, but my gloves are on, and I am fighting for you."

After another hour of talking, I know what it is I have to do. I have to look at myself, the whole me and the many complex factors that have contributed to who I am today. I have to go through an unfolding process to uncover experiences from my past that have been brought to the surface and to the surface of those I love. This will allow present circumstances to be understood and dealt with in a different way. My husband said, "this is no longer your burden to carry, it is OUR burden.

I felt like the world had been lifted from my shoulders. I could see him. It is hard to explain. I woke the next morning, and I WANTED to get up. I could SEE the dresser, the bed, our room, our house, our children. The fog is not there anymore. I can see. I can see. I love my husband more than the day we were married. He does not see me as I was afraid he would after all was told. He loves me and his gloves are on.

Dear God........thank you!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

and the truth shall set you free...............

Thursday, January 19, 2006


I was not myself as I wrote my last post. Things have come to surface and I am not ready to deal with them. I do trust God, I do believe in Him and I know prayer is answered. I am angry, I am scared. Completely, freaking scared of what lies ahead. I am sorry for the things I said earlier. I do trust some, and you know who you are.

Open Eyes

I just want to close my eyes and pretend my life is perfect. That nothing bad has ever happened to me. All is good and will be okay. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. I can do it. I know I can. Just smile. Be happy. Pray. Remember God loves me. He knows.

If he knows, then WHY?

Why do I feel like I am a plastic barbie doll just walking, going through the motions w/pretend emotions. I feel like I am not real. I am not really a mother, or a wife, I am pretend. This is all pretend. I used to pretend that someone loved me, now if I am told I am loved, I do not believe it, I do not feel it. If I tell you I love you, and sometimes I know deep down I do, but I do not feel it each time I say it. So why do I say it? Pretend. I am tired of pretending, I want to feel the emotions, but I am scared to face the emotions. What if it hurts too bad, what if it feels too good? I want to love my loved ones w/all of my heart, but I do not know how, what good does it do? Where will it get me? Where will it get them? What good is love? All I can do is work, make sure I feed my girls, clothe them, but somewhere deeper I know they need more, I just do not know how to give it to them. But I am supposed to, I brought them into this world, it is my responsibility to make sure they get the what? What all is it that they need? Love, support?

Do they have a class for 30 somethings on how to be a good mom? I did not have a mom. I did not have a dad, I do not know what it is supposed to be like. My girls eyes are open to me, they watch my every move, they look to me for answers, for how I am doing, at what I am doing, are they seeing right through me, that I am lost, out of my mind, a liar. I do not trust anyone. Noone. I do not trust God, and this scares me the most. But those who taught me to trust him are the ones who have betrayed me the worst. I do not pray, because I have found it to not do me much good. I do not go to church because it is a freak show. Who is wearing what, and who is the better Christian here....I just want to be in a quiet place, alone w/God, in person, so that I can get the undivided attention and the slap in the face to open my eyes and my heart and my body to the real world. But the monster is out there and if I keep pretending, he will not get me.

Monday, January 09, 2006


We have sold our home in Texas. We are making a good chunk of money, we do not have to worry about bills there anymore, or having someone take care of the lawn, so why am I not REAL excited? Cause it is gone. It is not our home anymore. Our first home. It is reality that we have moved to TN for a long while, no going back.

oh suck it up..........

WHOOO HOOOOO, were in the $, were in the $, well that is until we pay our taxes, and credit card balances. It comes and it goes, just like each passing year.

Speaking of years, it is brand new. I look forward to making a few things happen this year. I want to take care of what needs to be taken care of:

1: surgery on my throat to take care of sleep apnea, I stop breathing average 81 times a night.
2: have girls eyes examed (just did this one this past weekend) poor girls take after me....blind
3: find a free kitten for the girls
4: get to work on time EVERY morning
5: keep house picked up on a daily basis and one load of laund. a day
6: find a church
7: have better understanding of my 12 yr. old
8: lose weight for vacation in Fl. in June
9: drink more water
10. pray daily
11. fall more in love w/my DH each day

I pray that each of you have a blessed and safe 2006.