Wednesday, January 25, 2006


"We divorce ourselves from our heart and begin to live a double life."
from: The Sacred Romance written by: John Eldride
A friend of mine recommended that I read this book. Last night I bought it. I look forward to sharing my journey as I go in search of my heart.


Pilot Mom said...

Oh, I am so excited that you have begun reading the book. I don't know if you are aware of it, but, remember Gayla's blog? Journey of the Heart? Well, that book was VERY instumental in turning her back around with God etc. My son really liked the book, my husband was so-so with it (but he does have some ADHD so at times it's hard for him to concentrate) and I liked it, too. Gayla would be excited to know you are reading it now, too! :p
Blessings Friend!

Radical One said...

hey girl! thanks for stopping by my blog.

i think you're really gonna enjoy this book. i read it just a few weeks ago and i'm still soaking it all in. i also read his book called "journey of desire" and enjoyed it tremendously. if you like his thoughts and his style of writing, he does have several others.

know that i'm praying for you as you go thru this time and "journey" in your life.


no_average_girl said...

hey bobbie! i found you through my mother's {radical one} blog...

actually, i started this book and am currently still reading it! it's one of those books you want to make sure you have PLENTY of time to soak it all in, with no distractions, and the "right" time never seems to pop up! lol mr. eldredge has such a gift for words and a heart after God's own heart! he's so sincere!

i, too, think you will enjoy it! i would also recommend wild at heart if you haven't picked it up already! it's actually where my blog theme came from!

i look forward to looking around some more and to new posts on your journey!

Suzy-Q said...

I found you on Susie's Gobhole and wanted to stop in and say Hello! I love your picture and little quote on your blog. I am going to print that out for someone for Valentine's day. :)

I read some of your other posts and I want you to know I will be praying for you. I don't know what your burden is but I am SO very very glad to see your husband WANT to bear it with you. God will honor your efforts and you WILL be victorious.

Great blog....hope to see you around the blogsphere! :o)