Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I have been reading off and on when I can, usually at the end of the day when all the dishes are done, laundry put away, doggies fed and walked, girls in bed and hubbie snoring next to me. I am enjoying the Sacred Romance, I like the way John writes more than the way Brent writes.

Brittani has a huge three day swim meet this weekend in AL. This means a lot of "camping" while we wait for each of her events, so I look forward to finishing the book this weekend.


Stacy said...

oooooh, where in Alabama?

Bobbie said...

Huntsville. She is sooo excited and working out hard for this. Her events are in the morning from 7:00a.m. (warm ups) to about 1:00. So we plan to do sight seeing in the afternoons and evenings. A friend told me that there is a really neat Space Center there. I am so proud of her.

Stacy said...

That's where my precious friends Elaine and Jerry live!! It would be so cool if you could meet them. :) I figured it was Huntsville, so I already told Elaine that you'll probably be there. hee hee! Good luck, Brit! muah!

Pilot Mom said...

You'll love the space museum. At least my niece and her family of boys have all enjoyed going there whenever they are in town. :)

Anonymous said...

have you read "sacred marriage"?