Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Integrity always matters.
Integrity is simply doing what you promised you would do. It is telling the truth and doing the truth. It is doing the right thing even if no one would know that you did the wrong thing. Integrity is accepting the blame when you have made a mistake. Integrity always matters because it matters to God. Integrity keeps you the kind of person you want to live with. And that's important because you have to live with yourself your entire life.

More money will not fix everything. Until you know how to handle a small amount of money well, lots of money will only create bigger problems. Remember to never keep it all (give some away) and never spend it all (save some for the future). Then you will never be broke.
Save early, save often. There exists in the universe a simple principle with a big payoff. It is called compounding interest. When you place money in a savings account, you earn interest. Then that interest earns interest, or compounds, which makes your money grow much more rapidly. Start saving money now so it has many years to compound. That is the no-brainer way to build wealth.

A sense of humor is a valuable asset. Laugh at yourself and you'll never run out of material. Laugh with others. Some people can't see the humor in their situations, so just make sure they are laughing first or you could hurt their feelings. Laugh often. Laughter is good for your health because it releases tension and stress. It can make your life much more enjoyable.

There's a difference between authority and responsibility. Authority usually refers to your power over people. People who crave authority usually lose it. Responsibility usually refers to your pledge to people. Those willing to assume responsibility usually get it. Most people crave authority and avoid responsibility. You've got a great sense of responsibility. I applaud it. I admire it. Don't ever lose it.

A little encouragement goes a long way. Maybe it's only a few words or a small act of kindness, but that small effort can really encourage another person. It might not seem like much to you, but it can be meaningful to that other person. Whenever you encourage others, you are showing that you have care and concern for them. Encouragement is something that's hard to give away because it always comes back to bless you.


Anonymous said...

all wonderful aspects of emotional intelligence, something not everyone has. durn it.

keesh said...

Very good stuff! we should all learn from these things and take something away from it!

keesh said...
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