Wednesday, December 07, 2005


I am bouncing off of the walls here at work. Oh my golly miss molly, hold me down. I went to the Dr. this morning because I have been falling asleep at my desk, I will go to my van during lunch and take a nap. My friends here at work asked where I have been at lunch cuss they have missed my little behinde. NNNNNeeeeway....I had to share w/my doc that I am a big time SNORER...that I snore really loud that it wakes even me up. My poor DH. He is tooo sweet to wake me he just puts up w/it. Soo, I snore, I never feel like I have had a good nights rest, to make a long poor me short, he wants me to have the sleep apnea test done. The one where you have to stay overnight for two nights so they can "study" your sleep.

Buuuuuuuuuuut, until then, he has me taking Provigil to help me stay awake during the day, and man am I rockin. This is guuuuudd stuff. Life is going great. I feeeeel good nananana.

I am in a good mood also because we went out to lunch, and when we go out to lunch w/Kathy you cannot have a quiet lunch. You are LYBO from the moment you leave until the moment you get back. We have to stop laughing when we get back bcuz this place is stupid that way. neway, it is Kathy's b-day and I went out and bought her (she has been wanting a Chawawa I know it is spelled wrong, sooo, she wants one really bad) I got her a chawawa calendar and a chawawa mug, she cried she was so happy. I love making people happy....just love it. How fun it must be for Oprah, to just GIVE. FUN FUN.

Ummmm, what else, Oh, we are supposed to have ice and snow tonight. My daughter who is 12 going on 16 and I are still butting heads. She wants things her way or else and it is getting on my very last nerve. Finally her daddy had to bust her little behiney the other night. It had been along time coming. He hates having to punish them that way. Didn't work. This morning she was begging to stay home from school cuz she already knows everything they are teaching. She is bored. She said she wanted to stay home and clean the house spotless for me, it was tempting, but if it ices I will let her use that one tomorrow. So any advice on how to stop my 12 year old from running over me, please share. :>


Anonymous said...

ya gots to be stronger then them. that's my motto.

never go to battle unless your prepared to die on the hill. but then again, i am extremely strong willed, and stubborn, so i just tell the kids, don't even go there, cause i can out last you every day of the week and they give up. cause they know its true.

but i am having trouble with my son, he has been such a good kid, and i never hardly have to get him in trouble. last night we went rounds, and i actually swatted him, and he laughed at me!!! so that's not going to work anymore.

i had to call his dad, cause i had tried everything and he was still being nasty. now he's grounded for a long time from all things media which is killing him. and he pulled the same thing again today!!!
i'm thinking to myself, what is wrong with him!!

i had a 12 year old step daughter, and she was (and is) a nightmare!! but she is not as strong willed as me, so i could get her to mind, but she has her mom and dad wrapped, so she gets away with murder. it did NOT set well with me, cause i could hold my ground, but they would undermine me. so it didn't work with her. okay 12 yo's are tough. so i'll stop babbling and suggest you get on your knees and beg for mercy from God!!

Pilot Mom said...

Set her down with you and her dad. Tell her it's time for a family pow-wow. Then lay out the ground rules...respect for both parents at all times, obedience w/o all the lip, etc. Next, lay out discipline will be prompt and appropriate. The more she 'rebels' about it the strenuous the discipline. Help her to understand that it really isn't you and her dad she is rebeling against, it is the Lord Himself.

The talk should be warm and loving (and, yes, it can be done that way) and not "heavey handed". Ask if she has any questions, give time for discussion. Take the time to listen to her and what she has to say. Some ideas may be valid. Tell her you'll take them under consideration. And, above all, let her know you both love her and are on her side! Good Luck! :)

Christi said...

Think this when spelling the dog name: Chi Hua Hua (chi-hooooa-hoooooa). That's how I remember it!

I wish I could help with the twelve year old thing, but alas, I can only learn from your mistakes, struggles, whatever you go through! I, myself, am having a time trying to keep my almost three year old from running all over me! Any advice for me?

I want some drugs like yours. I remember I was having a hard time staying awake at work once, and I found out I was pregnant! So much for cool drugs!

Oh, and I know how you feel about the giving thing. I just ran up to Wal-Mart to get some medicine, and some people were trying to figure out how to get a giant Power Wheel home in their tiny trunk. I gave them some bungee cords to hold it in. It felt good helping them out. Made my night! Yeah, so that's different, but...